Please feel free to choose a topic below.

For immediate assistance, we're available via our toll-free number
(866) 9-MyWIRE (699473) between the hours of 8:00am and 10:00pm Central Standard Time.

Is there a cost to use MyWIRE? We are pleased to offer MyWIRE to research professionals absolutely no cost.
Which research facilities can upload recordings to MyWIRE? All facilities that utilize the Streamliner digital recording solution can automatically upload their recordings to MyWIRE. The Streamliner, provided by Streamline Universal™, is currently installed at over 200 marketing research facilities in North America. If your favorite facility does not currently offer MyWIRE, please ask them to contact us at (866) 967-8732 and we can welcome them aboard!
How will I receive my digital recordings via MyWIRE? Each time your research facility uploads digital recordings to MyWIRE, you will receive an email notifying you that they are available. Clicking the link in the email will automatically add the recordings to your MyWIRE account.
Can my recordings be shared? Absolutely! Simply forward your colleague the email you received notifying you of the new recordings. As soon as they click the link contained in the email, the files will be added to their account.
How long are recordings stored online? All recordings are stored on MyWIRE for 90 days. An option to extend the storage time is coming soon.
How can I download my recordings? From the Dashboard, click on a desired recording to enter the Viewer page. Then, click the "Download" button at the bottom-right of the video player. You may choose from a variety of popular audio and video formats.
What if I need my recordings in a different format? The immediately available formats are highlighted in the download menu. Selecting a format that is not immediately available will begin the conversion process. When the recording is ready in the new format, it will be highlighted.
How can I organize my recordings by project? MyWIRE allows all recordings to be organized by project. To create a new project, simply click the "New Project" button at the top of the Dashboard page. After a new project is added, it will be available to select in the Projects dropdown menu to the left. Recordings can be added and removed from projects by checking the box to the left of the recording on the Dashboard and clicking "Add to Project" or "Remove from Project" at the bottom of the page.

To view only recordings from a specific project, select the desired project from the dropdown at the top-left of the Dashboard.

The name of a project can be edited by selecting the desired project from the dropdown at the top-left of the Dashboard and clicking the "gear" icon to the right. Additionally, the project can be deleted by clicking the "trash can" icon.

How can I rename or delete my recordings? To delete a recording, simply check the box to the left of it on the Dashboard page and click the "Delete" button at the bottom of the page. The date, name and notes of a recording can be edited by moving the mouse over the field you wish to change on the Dashboard page and clicking the "edit" symbol that appears to the right of it.
Using the Editing Tools MyWIRE contains the ability create clips from recordings, as well as organize them into highlight reels. To edit a recording, click on the recording name in the Dashboard page to enter the Video Player. On the Video Player page, a list of all bookmarks (clips) that have been created from the recording will appear on the right, along with any highlight reels that have been made. Clicking "Add Bookmark" will allow a user to enter the "Start Time" and "End Time" of a new clip, along with a title and any notes. Clicking "Submit" will create the new clip, and add it to the list. Clicking the "Download" or "Trash Can" icon to the right of the bookmark will allow you to download or delete it.

Once your desired bookmarks have been created, they can be created into a highlight reel by clicking the "Add Highlight Reel" button below the Bookmarks area. This will launch the "Highlight Reel Editor", which will allow you to drag your bookmarks in any order into the editor. Clicking "Save Highlight Reel" will begin creating the highlight reel. Once it’s created, it can be played, downloaded or deleted.
What should I do if I’ve forgotten my password? To reset your password, please click the "Forgot Password?" link on the log in page. For additional assistance, please contact us at (866) 9-MyWIRE (699473).
Can I recover expired recordings? Currently, all recordings are set to expire 90 days from the date of the update. If your recordings have expired, please contact your research facility and ask them to upload them again.